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6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:51 pm
by evolicious
I want to thank the organizers for a great event today. The course layout was fun, confusing, and challenging. I guess my only gripe with anything would have to be that nasty dip in the lot. Some people had more difficulty with it than others and some cars seemed to really get upset by it. I know mine did depending on turning angle, but I wasn't rubbing or losing parts, which is the most I could ask for. All in all, a great day. Thanks everybody.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:43 pm
by awptickes
I had a great time today. I'm glad nothing weird happened, aside from the wheel-lock. :D

I've got my pictures uploading to the Flickr pool, I didn't get many today, mostly what I have are of heat 1 PM. If you see a picture of you that you like, lemme know, and I can give you the full file, and/or look for more.

This one really shows the diversity of the cars we have at any given event:
Image ... 041483203/

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:08 pm
by awptickes

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:13 pm
by evolicious
I would like more pictures of number 452 if possible.
Nice shots by the way and thanks for doing that. I like the one with my left rear off the ground- 3 wheel motion FTW.. It was so nice with the smaller venue- got to actually meet people and have some decent conversations. I absolutely love this organization and how it's run. CDC FTW! The best part is that the next one is in 6 days! Can't wait- hopefully I can do as well as today.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:33 pm
by Imprezive_04
I kept the STi at home and had a lot of fun in the Miata on the tight course. Very glad the dark clouds never gave us any rain.

Only thing I didn't enjoy was the focus that was pulling the e-brake in every corner and in the stop garage.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:39 pm
by evolicious
Focus= rally master. I didn't mind the e-brake as much as the noise emitting that thing. The e-brake was just entertaining.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:03 pm
by evolicious
There was actually 50% of me that wanted the rain to continue- only because I've never pushed my car to the limits in the rain and it could be very "educational". The other part of me didn't want the rain, just because I didn't feel like sitting and dealing with it. When it was raining pretty good on the way up, I was so ready to turn around and just say f this. I didn't want to cop out on such an opportunity though. Glad I manned up and came out, for sure.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:41 pm
by leadfootgirl
Thanks to all of the organizers and instructors out today! I had a blast today and I couldn't be happier with all of the positive encouragement I received from everyone.

I didn't think the focus e-braking was that annoying - though his muffler sure was. I think it was a toss up between the Focus and the Ford Mustang Cobra - who left more of their tires of the pavement at Harry Grove today?

Oh - and here's a funny thought I had driving back from Frederick tonight. You know you have auto-x on the brain, when, as you head down 270S, and there are cones blocking off the left lane, you see them and you think that you should be slaloming through them. The only thing that stopped me was the cones were too clean to belong to CDC:)

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:06 pm
by awptickes
Looking at my timesheet, I saw that I had a 50.06 on the last two runs....

So, today at work, I realized that I had the video camera in the car still. I looked at the video footage, and sure enough, same time down to the 1/100 of a second. I'll post the video once I get home, but I think I'm going to lay the videos side-by-side just to see. I thought I braked harder in the second 50.06 run. Who knows....

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:09 pm
by kschwiggy
like evolicious said.. thanks to everyone that organized and ran the event. I was the driver of the black accord... and although this was my first event since a frederick event I attended last year, I'm going to make every effort to attend most of the events this season.

sorry about the wheel lock mishap... so glad no one got hurt. I'll be using a different set of lugs next time anyway so I can avoid the whole wheel lock key issue completely.

See you all in woodbridge on saturday!


Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:27 pm
by saint_foo
Glad you all had fun!

Hey, what happened to all the folks who were requesting a TNT? I heard it was light showing.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:23 pm
by FredK
Pro Solo at Fed Ex.??

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:51 pm
by BugBomb
Father's Day?

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:22 pm
by Dan133
Yep, Father's Day. Had to go to Pittsburgh.

Re: 6/21/09 Frederick T/N/T

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:26 pm
by eage8
yeah, I had a lot of fun. It was a great day, the clouds made it nice and cool for most of it.

once I stopped worrying about my fenders I actually started putting down some semi-decent times in my rx-7. Eventually I'll learn how to drive that thing :P . It was totally worth staying up until 2 AM the morning before to finish putting in my new flywheel and clutch :)